Endorsements for The Grumbler’s Guide to Giving Thanks

I”m excited to announce the release of my new book, The Grumbler’s Guide to Giving Thanks: Reclaiming the Gifts of a Lost Spiritual Discipline. My aim is to help the reader see how pervasive thanksgiving is in the Bible and how practical it is for the Christian life. It’s an everyday rhythm. On a daily basis, our heart gravitates toward either grumbling or gratitude. Each brings with it a host of friends. Grumbling invites pride, fear, anxiety, discontentment, and idolatry. Gratitude is accompanied by joy, worship, contentment, trust, and intimacy with God. Choose to give thanks rather than grumble.

As we give thanks, we not only enjoy God’s gifts to us and care for us, but we better know Him. Thanksgiving, then, is meant to lead us from gifts to the Giver. Even in trials, we practice “gritty gratitude” to trust God and thank Him for how He’s at work.

Below are three of the endorsements for the book.

“I thought I was a pretty grateful guy. Then I took the Gratitude Quiz at the beginning of this book. Ouch! Turns out I have some growing to do in this area—and The Grumbler’s Guide to Giving Thanks was the perfect resource to help me grow. With vulnerability, biblical depth, and engaging prose, Dustin taught me how to recognize my blessings and equipped me with practices for giving thanks. This book has the power to literally change your life. It will lift your eyes above your daily annoyances and frustrations and back to the One from whom all blessings flow. I highly recommend it!”

Drew Dyck is an editor and author. His latest book is Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science.

“I needed this book. Too often I see the gaps, and I miss God’s daily grace. Dustin Crowe provides a practical and biblical guide for develop the habit of gratitude. So thankful!”

Mark Vroegop  – Lead Pastor of College Park Church, Indianapolis and author of Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament

“I don’t know too many books on thanksgiving, but I’m grateful to have this one! Dustin takes us to the deep well of God’s grace to expand our hearts and affections so that we can obey God’s command to “give thanks in everything.” If you’re struggling to be thankful, start here. You’ll be encouraged and helped in the formation of a life of thanksgiving.”

Jeremy Writebol 
Lead Campus Pastor, Woodside Bible Church, Plymouth MI; Executive Director | Gospel-Centered Discipleship

Where to Get It

Here are a few of the places you can purchase the book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christianbook.com, Target, Moody Publishers, WTS Books, and Apple Books.

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You can follow me on Twitter or Instagram @IndyCrowe for the short & sweet stuff.

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