
My family (sweet wife and wonderful but exhausting little daughter and baby boy) live in Bargersville (Greenwood), IN–a great place to live in the Indy-Metro region.

I blog about history, books, travel, movies, culture, creation or nature, and theology and discipleship in the local church. I keep my sports banter, dad jokes, and joy in (good) food and drink for social media. I love to teach and write, and interact with people through both activities.

I serve as the Discipleship Pastor at Stones Crossing Church in Greenwood. Before that I served as Pastor of Discipleship at Pennington Park Church in Fishers, a church plant of College Park Church, where I served on staff before Pennington Park. I received a degree in Historical Theology from the Moody Bible Institute and a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, but the bulk of my learning happens in the Church with God’s people, studying and living out the Word together, and drawing from the well of good books.

You can find my books on Amazon, and you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at @IndyCrowe. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email about anything.

3 thoughts on “About”

  1. Just found your blog. and twitter. Been seeing you post at yourchurch.com for awhile and am happy to find ya here as well!

    I added you to our blogroll at http://www.prequill.blogspot.com (shameless plug, yes, and to let you know).

    Looking forward to more good quotes and stuff from a hoosier thinking believer.
    – @Penjammin

  2. I am also a Crowe – from
    Southern Indiana! (currently living in Bolivia) I just came across your post on David’s trust in God. I’m grateful for your words. Bless you & your family.

  3. This article was very well written, and beyond that, because of that, it was filled with hands on, spirit assimilating truth. I have a stronger grasp of renewing of my mind beyond “change my thinking and be repentant when I don’t. “So your article is very motivating and edifying. Thanks!

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